In the interest of communication and transparency, everyone should know that with us moving from the first telegram chat to this

01 Aug 2022, 02:52
In the interest of communication and transparency, everyone should know that with us moving from the first telegram chat to this new one, we will be enforcing rules in a stricter manner. The old chat became toxic and we do not want to see that here with the fresh start. That said, constructive criticism is still very much welcome. We are totally open to discussion and logical debate. If it becomes personal and targeted attacks occur, it will be an instant ban. For any others, it will be one warning and then you are out. So please try to give some thought to any selective arguments you want to make. Happy to have you all here. So much excitement ahead for Pangolin and you'll want to stick around for it πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰